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In the midst of the legal circus, Marc, a seasoned lawyer with enough case files to build a fort, decided to spice things up. He birthed the "$uccessful Barrister," a newsletter aimed at nudging his legal pals toward excellence. Fueled by a mix of ambition and caffeine, Marc roped in a crew of attorneys to make his brainchild a reality.

Their game plan? Create a witty newsletter that shares lessons learned, new approaches to challenges, and a summary of the last book Marc read. With a focus on humor, and a strict word count, the "$uccessful Barrister" hit the streets to cheers, earning props for its sharp insights and cheeky humor. Soon, it became the go-to for legal buffs, evolving like a chameleon to keep up with the legal rollercoaster.

For Marc, the "$uccessful Barrister" wasn't just another project—it was his sassy love letter to the legal world. Through it, he aimed to give the legal rookies a nudge, the seasoned attorneys a new perspective, and maybe share a laugh or two. Today, it stands as a skyscraper of legal know-how and sass, a monument to Marc's foresight and the ceaseless badgering from his Marketing Manager.

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Welcome to the one and only podcast that's more thrilling than a last-minute court adjournment, 'The Successful Barrister! The podcast discusses marketing, management, and life skills for lawyers, which probably won't get you disbarred.

Meet Marc Whitehead, a man who's been lawyering so long that he remembers when fax machines were the height of technology! With over thirty years under his belt, Marc's not only double board certified—he's a visionary lawyer, coach, and entrepreneur with a unique view on creating the law practice of your dreams.

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Next up, meet the powerhouse that keeps the gears turning, Diana Singson! Attorney, Chief Operating Officer, and the real boss behind the scenes. She's the integrator, the executor, and probably the one who remembers all the passwords. Together, they're the legal world's most dynamic duo since Statutes met Regulations.

Join them as they give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to build a lifestyle law firm. You'll learn what to do, what not to do, and how to avoid the same mistakes Marc made.
So, if you're looking to build a practice, you're in the right courtroom – I mean, podcast. Welcome to the Successful Barrister, where legal legends are made.

Who Not How: The Art of Removing Roadblocks

Firm owners often find themselves juggling many tasks at the same time and struggling to get everything done. If you...

Is a Flywheel Giving Your Firm Momentum?

Episode Titles: Turning the Flywheel, Are You Turning the Flywheel?, Turning the Flywheel: Help Your Ideal Client Find...

Is The Book Good to Great Still Relevant?

Is Good to Great a relic of the past or the key to your future? In this episode, Marc and Diana discuss the classic...

Leading Your Team by Eating Last

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Improve Your Execution With One Simple Formula

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How to Get a Grip of Your Law Practice Using the Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS)

In the second episode of The Successful Barrister, Marc Whitehead and Diana Berry discuss the implementation of EOS,...


In the labyrinthine world of law, where billable hours tick away faster than a caffeine-fueled legal debate, Marc found himself pondering a burning question: How could he share his hard-earned wisdom with fellow attorneys without resorting to interpretative dance or carrier pigeons? It was 2015, and Marc had been slinging legalese since 1992, amassing a treasure trove of insights, advice, and, let's face it, a few cautionary tales. Enter "$uccessful Barrister," the brainchild that no one could quite recall whose noggin it sprouted from. Was it Marc's stroke of genius, or did it emerge from the ether of a particularly caffeine-heavy partner meeting? The origins might be shrouded in mystery, but the mission was crystal clear: Create a newsletter that would be the legal community's answer to both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the latest viral cat video.


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Why a podcast? Vision for the podcast. Why should someone waste their time listening to you talk?

In this video I show you just how simple and customizable the templates are to work with. If you are new to Hubspot or using templates, you will definitely want to give this a watch. You can also take a look at my documentation page and the CLEAN Module Library.

Why a podcast? Vision for the podcast. Why should someone waste their time listening to you talk?

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In this video I show you just how simple and customizable the templates are to work with. If you are new to Hubspot or using templates, you will definitely want to give this a watch. You can also take a look at my documentation page and the CLEAN Module Library.

Why a podcast? Vision for the podcast. Why should someone waste their time listening to you talk?

In this video I show you just how simple and customizable the templates are to work with. If you are new to Hubspot or using templates, you will definitely want to give this a watch. You can also take a look at my documentation page and the CLEAN Module Library.

2024 | Issue 3

Last quarter, MWA’s Core Values got a facelift. And what better way to celebrate than to make everyone churn out an...

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Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into...

2024 | Issue 1

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into...

2023 | Issue 5

Happy Spooky Halloween! While our last issue was focused on witching upon a star. In this spookalicious issue, we're...

2023 | Issue 4

Once upon a time, there was a $uccessful Barrister and his gaggle of five loyal attorneys. Who spent their days merrily...

2023 | Issue 3

Summer is here & our team is feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot. No really, we're located in Houston, Texas. Since our AC units...